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    Artists, now is your opportunity to apply for the Ohayocon 21 Artist Alley! The application will be available until the deadline, Aug. 15, 2023. There are no exceptions to the deadline!

    …and that’s all for now. We know you’re all dying for information about pre-registration; unfortunately we are still unable to open it. We are continuing to watch the development of the COVID-19 pandemic and will release information about pre-registration as soon as we are able. We thank you for your patience during this unusual time.

    See you soon!


    Hiya! Just wanted to send out a quick update. We do have the dates for 2021! They are Jan. 14-17, 2021, at the usual place. There isn’t much we can say right now, but we are watching the COVID-19 news this year. As of today, we plan to hold Ohayocon 21 as scheduled. We’ll have an official marketing release about it, including the unveiling of the theme, soon. Until then, see you!


    Diana Garnet and Kevin Woo Two internationally acclaimed stars meet on stage for our biggest and best concert ever!

    Date: 1/11/20

    Location: Union Station Ballroom
    Lineup Begins at: 7pm
    Seating Begins at: 8
    Start Time: 8:15 (Opening with Diana Garnet)

    Claim your tickets to this once in a lifetime show HERE (http://ohayocon.regfox.com/ohayoconpresentsdgandkw)

    For more Ohayocon news, visit ohayocon.org/news.


    Artists, now is your opportunity to 《幼学求源》_国学频道__中国青年网 - Youth.cn:2021-3-24 · 《幼学求源》,明伋程登吉撰,字允升,自署西昌人。 此书原名《幼学须知》,又名《成语考》(署明景泰年间进士邱浚编)。清伋则有邹圣脉(字梧冈)为之増补、注释,取名《幼学故事琼林》。! The application will be available until the deadline, Aug. 15, 2023. There are no exceptions to the deadline!

    …and that’s all for now. We know you’re all dying for information about pre-registration; unfortunately we are still unable to open it. We are continuing to watch the development of the COVID-19 pandemic and will release information about pre-registration as soon as we are able. We thank you for your patience during this unusual time.

    See you soon!

    For more Ohayocon news, visit http://ohayocon.org/news.